
Most downloaded apps to follow football leagues!

Check out the apps for the best football leagues and find out everything about the best-known and loved sport in the world! Follow behind the scenes, highlights and more!


Stay up to date with updates, news and scores from all league games!

Nowadays, football is also a digital experience, thanks to the official apps of the world's main football leagues. In fact, these apps have become the definitive source of information for fans!

Providing an accessible portal to explore news, stats, highlights and an inside look behind the scenes at leagues, these platforms have been redefining the way fans interact with the game.



Brasileirão Pro

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Follow the Brazilian championship even from afar!

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Through these apps, you can follow the biggest leagues in the world such as the Premier League in England, La Liga in Spain, Serie A in Italy, the Bundesliga in Germany and the Brasileirão in Brazil. Check out!

Best football league apps

We have selected some platforms here for you to get all the news about your favorite team. So, see below the best apps from the main football leagues and enjoy. 

Brasileirão (Brazil)

Firstly, the official app of the Brazilian Football Championship, the Brasileirão, is made and maintained by the CBF.

It offers information about matches, results, rankings, player and team statistics, news and videos related to the tournament. 

In other words, the app allows fans to see the latest news and updates about the games up close. 

Premier League (England)

The Premier League, England's main football league, has its official app. But there are also many other apps and websites that offer detailed information about the main football leagues in the world!

In this sense, the Premier League Official App offers highlights, news, tables and statistics. In addition, you can follow videos and highlights of training and games, game calendar and rankings.

Also see player and team statistics, get personalized alerts and access the profile of all players in the league with this platform.



Official Premier League

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Follow the main league in England and don't miss any news or games!

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La Liga (Spain)

Apps like the “LaLiga Official App” provide information about games, statistics, news and exclusive content related to teams and players from football leagues around the world.

In fact, in this app you can find out about the latest team updates, table classification, game calendar and much more.

In addition, you can also be informed about problems with players and possible absences from teams for upcoming games.



Official LaLiga

android iOS

Follow the main league in Spain and stay up to date with everything!

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Serie A (Italy)

Do you want to follow the main league in Italy? Then you need to download the official “Serie A Official App”, which offers complete information about the games!

Fans can follow results and rankings, as well as receive exclusive content.

Apps like Serie A Oficial offer news and updates about games, players, table and game calendar of the Italian league and other football leagues.

This way you can find out about training, information and updates about the teams in real time.



Official Serie A

android iOS

Follow the Italian league and don't miss anything about the Italian teams!

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Bundesliga (Germany)

Finally, the Bundesliga app, Germany's football league, has the official “Bundesliga Official App”. It provides news, videos, statistics, gaming information and more.

The app offers up-to-date information and various other details, from training to team information, all at your fingertips.

In addition, you can access real-time data on current games, live scores and relevant news.



Official Bundesliga

android iOS

Follow the German Bundesliga league and don't miss anything about the best teams in the league!

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Discover other recommended apps: Air Europa app to travel while paying less on your tickets!

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