
Learn about the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program

Discover one of the largest housing assistance programs: Minha Casa Minha Vida! Check out all the government news for 2023 and find out if you can be part of the program to conquer your own home!


My Home My Life is back! And with an investment of 10 billion for works!

The program, which has already undergone several changes since the last 4 years of the former president, now has new rules and a huge investment for this year of 2023.

The expectation of Minha Casa Minha Vida is to finish the 120,000 homes by the end of this year! And for that, the government released a budget of 10 billion reais!


My home, my life

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Among them are houses, apartments and housing developments that will be distributed primarily to families in income bracket 1.

Check out everything about the new Minha Casa Minha Vida, understand the new rules and see news that just came out!

Who can participate in the Minha Casa Minha Vida program?

At first, the Minha Casa Minha Vida program is aimed at low-income families, with a gross income of up to R$ 8 thousand, whether they live in urban or rural areas. Beneficiaries are divided by income brackets as follows:

For urban area:

  • Tier 1: Gross monthly household income of up to R$ 2,640;
  • Tier 2: Gross monthly family income from R$ 2,640 to R$ 4,400;
  • Range 3: Gross monthly family income from R$ 4,400.01 to R$ 8 thousand.
Finance your home with easy payment terms! (Source: Jornal Movimento/Adapted by Google).

For rural area:

  • Tier 1: Gross annual household income of up to R$ 31,680;
  • Range 2: Gross annual household income from R$ 31,680.01 to R$ 52,800.
  • Range 3: Gross annual household income from R$ 52,800.01 to R$ 96 thousand.

How does the Minha Casa Minha Vida program work?

The Government's big bet for Minha Casa Minha Vida is to generate more work and consequently more income, in addition to promoting economic and social development, as well as improving the quality of life of the population. 

The way in which the houses are distributed works under assignment, donation, lease, lending, leasing or sale, either by financing or not. There is also a list of requirements that all interested parties must meet, they are:

Sign up for CadÚnico and find out about other programs

CadÚnico is one of the Government programs that brings together several others. With it you can advance the release of benefits and be part of several programs. Meet!

  • Families that have a woman as head of the family unit;
  • Families that have people with disabilities, the elderly and children and adolescents in their family composition;
  • Families at risk and vulnerability;
  • Families in areas in an emergency or calamity situation;
  • Families in involuntary displacement due to federal public works;
  • Street families.
Improve your quality of life by taking part in the Minha Casa Minha Vida program. (Source: Jornal Movimento/Adapted by Google).

This list directs the application of Union Budget resources, in addition to various funds that together make up Minha Casa Minha Vida. The biggest one is that the title to the properties remain in the women's names. 

The program also considers the monthly income range, as previously mentioned, however, this income range does not take into account assistance, social security or temporary benefits such as accident allowance, unemployment insurance, sickness allowance, Continued Cash Benefit ( BPC) or Bolsa Familia.


My home, my life

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Will the government zero the entry of Minha Casa Minha Vida?

The housing program is one of Lula's hallmarks, and with the return of the program, many new measures have been taken, one of which is being studied is zeroing in on the Minha Casa Minha Vida!

The purpose of this new measure is to break down the barriers created by the down payment for real estate financing, which is around 20%. With this percentage, many poorer families are unable to access housing, even through the program.

Take advantage of the program to conquer your dream home. (Source: Jornal Movimento/Adapted by Google).

The way in which the Government intends to do this is by increasing the program's subsidies, in order to achieve zero down payment on real estate financing for the lower income population.  

The proposal is still being evaluated by the Civil House, so that it can finally go to President Lula and receive approval.

Increase in funding for Minha Casa Minha Vida

In 2021, the program operated with a budget cut that left many works unfinished, with that, many families who were waiting for housing ended up being destitute.

As old reports show, the Minha Casa Minha Vida program, in the years 2009 and 2016, was able to build more than 4 million homes under Lula’s management.

See now how to register

Find out how to register for the program and secure your own home in no time!

With the return of the president to power, and the resumption of investments, the completion of works on 120,000 homes by the end of the year has already been confirmed.

In addition to the expectation of investment for new homes in the coming years. That way, many people will benefit from the return of the program.

Focus of Minha Casa Minha Vida for 2023

The focus of Minha Casa Minha Vida for 2023 is on increasing investments to benefit families in income bracket 1, which were the most affected by the changes in the former government.

In addition, the program also foresees extra investments for reforms and urbanization of communities, in addition to the construction of residences close to large urban centers.

Take advantage of one of the largest housing programs to build or renovate your home! (Source: Jornal Movimento/Adapted by Google).

In order to achieve these goals, the Federal Government announced an investment of R$10 billion for the program, and by the end of the year the amounts may increase. However, a large part of the investment will go to the Fundo de Arrendamento Residencial (FAR).

Other actions that the program intends to do are:

  • Increase “track 1” of the program to serve the most needy families;
  • The creation of Social Rent;
  • Resume works that are stopped;
  • Prioritize the delivery of houses to families in income bracket 1.

Did you like the content? Learn about other government programs that you can access by clicking on the link below. Good reading!

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