How to buy flights to Buenos Aires from R$440.00
Find out how to buy your direct ticket to Buenos Aires by paying just R$440 on the way! Find cheap flights to Buenos Aires. Check out the step by step here!
Find out how to guarantee your ticket for R$440
FlyBondi launched a mega promotion for Brazilians who want to get to know Argentina! Promotional tickets are going for just R$440!
The super low cost FlyBondi, launched this super promotion not long ago, and at the moment it has flights leaving from three main airports in Brazil!
If you want to travel to Argentina, now is the time, prices have never been so affordable and buying is very easy.
So stay here and see how to guarantee your ticket for the lowest price on the ultra low cost FlyBondi.
Step by step to take advantage of promotions on FlyBondi tickets
FlyBondi is one of the first foreign low cost airlines to enter Brazil. The company has several promotions that connect Brazilian cities to Buenos Aires on direct flights that were already more affordable than other companies!
However, these flights are now even cheaper with the company's super promotion! However, to take advantage you will need time availability, as the promotion is for selected days.
Therefore, follow the text below to find out how to find the right dates for your trip.
Access the website
Enter the company's website by clicking on any link that we make available to you throughout the text. Then fill in some basic information for the search: city of origin, destination and number of passengers.
Then just select the yellow button labeled “Search Flights”.
Choose your flight
This step is one of the most important, here is where you will find the available offers! By filling in your information in the step above, the site will redirect you to this page where you will have to browse the price calendar to find a day with the promotion.
The cheapest days are marked in yellow, just choose according to your availability.
Then, just choose the flight schedule that suits you best, select your luggage and the amount you will take, select other additional items if you wish, choose your seat, and finally, go to payment.
make the payment
In this step, fill in the information of the traveler on the reservation, such as: name, date of birth, contact telephone number and identification document.
Check the summary if everything is right and proceed to payment. Select your payment method, either by credit card, voucher or promotional code. And ready! Now just enjoy your trip to Argentina!
Routes that Flybondi operates
As FlyBondi is a low cost company little known in Brazil, it generates a fear of buying with the company for not knowing if it is reliable.
However, ultra low cost came directly from Argentina, and since 2018 has been operating in Brazil with cheaper flights than traditional airlines.
Currently, Flybondi has flights departing from the main Brazilian airports, namely: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Florianópolis. These airports connect the route that goes directly to Buenos Aires, where the company has its headquarters.
Even though these are the only available routes at the moment, when you arrive in Buenos Aires you can choose to discover more than 20 destinations, among them are:
- Asunción
- bariloche
- Comodoro Rivadavia
- Corrientes
- cordoba
- El Calafate
- Jujuy
- Mendoza
- Neuquen
- Posadas
- puerto iguazu
- puerto madryn
- jump
- Santiago Del Estero
- train
- Tucuman
- Ushuaia
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